Monday, May 30, 2011

Ames Middle School Challenge

The AMS team had some challenges to overcome at Globals, equipment that broke during the performance, difficulty with the recordings, but they perservered and completed the tasks.  They did extremely well on their Instant Challenge portion of the competition and finished 37th in the world.  We keep saying that we are proud of all of our kids (Meeker and the AMS teams) and we are.  They were poised, kept trying when things broke or things didn't go their way and thanked the appraisers.   In contrast we saw teams fall apart, throw things, blame each other and break down when things did not go perfect - even with our teams having problems, they never lost their cool, never showed they were upset and that's what Globals is all about!

Here's some photos of the AMS Challenge

Entering the Challenge Site

On the "launch line" - you have to wait behind the line for the 8 minute time limit to begin

The team working the challenge  - that is one tall tower -
|notice the appraiser with the purple octopus hat!

The final bow! 
Look at those smiles!

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